Friday, September 14, 2007

Fishing Trip

Thanks to Mike and Morgan, and my cousin Stace I have been inspired to create a blog of the Wohlford Family. So here is my first posting:)

This past weekend a co-worker of Marc's took us out on his boat fishing. We had a blast and had a good day fishing. The sun was out and the fish were plentiful! We as a family have not gotten out and done something this fun in a long time. Abby really enjoyed herself. She liked to splash in the mud puddles, that was until she got stuck in the mud and fell over.

Reed, the guy who brought us out, said we weren't allowed to give up his fishing spot. So he said when someone asked where we caught them we are suppose to respond, " In the mouth"!

We are very thankful that Reed and his wife took us out on their Saturday and spent the day with us. Marc hasn't fished since he left Virginia and has never caught a fish bigger than these. Next summer I'm sure we will get more fishing in, its something we can do with Abby and she loves the outdoors.