Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween 2007

On Saturday October 27 we ventured back to Tok to visit with my sisters and to finally get to experience one of my sister Carrie's Halloween Parties! We all really enjoyed ourselves especially Abby. She absolutely loves running with the big kids. Although she was showing some Alpha Female Dominance over a couple 3 year old girls and a 12 month old little girl. She kept stealing the balloons from them and put the 12 month old in a sleeper hold and wouldn't let go of her. She was giving her hugs and kisses, it was actually really cute she just wouldn't let go! Then the little stinker wouldn't leave her cousin Emily's outfit alone. Emil was a candy princess and Abby was trying to eat her dress all night long
On our way home Sunday morning we got to see a herd of Buffalo outside Delta. It was really cool! Below is a video clip of them.

For Halloween this year Abby was a Fire Woman. I know very original:( I figure I better do it now because in years to come she will want to be a princess or something else girly. On Halloween night we dressed her up and brought her over to her god grandma's house to go trick or treating. She made out like a bandit. Yolanda and Re let her have free access to the goodie bowl and she picked every bag of plain M&M's out. This is really the only candy she has had before so she new exactly what they were.

So we had a fun Halloween and look forward to many more:)