Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fun in the snow!

Last week we got about 10 inches of snow in one snowfall then we got a few more inches of snow. It warmed up to 35 so some of it melted and snow got packed down, but it made it fun to play in, you could actually make ok snowballs. Usually Fairbanks snow is very dry and no fun! Now a week later it is -35!!! So here are some pics of Abby playing outside.
Mommy and Daddy's little helper!

Just Relaxing!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Christmas 2007

I know I'm bad about keeping up with this, I will try better!
We started our Christmas celebration the Sunday before Christmas with a visit from Santa at Grandma Lauries house. Abby isn't shy at all, especially when the person has candy in hand. She has a sweet tooth like her mommy's! She jumped right up and Santa's lap and listened to him contently as he spoke to all the kids. It is the longest I have ever seen her stand still, he kept her attention for a long time which is a big deal for a 20 month old.

Christmas Eve we baked and decorated sugar cookies, that was interesting. Lets say the sprinkles on the sugar cookies were heavy. Abby ate more red hots than she put on! Here is a picture of Abby with her cookies, she was very proud of them.

This Christmas was entertaining as Abby ripped through present to present, just long enough to look and say eeeeeeeeewh! She loved it! Last Christmas was neat because it was her first but this one was pretty awesome.

Later in the day my family came over for dinner and to exchange gifts. We were very blessed to be able to be together this holiday season. It has been a really long time since all of us have been together for Christmas. My sister Carrie was up visiting from Tok, and Dawn, Steve and the kids were able to make it up for the day from Delta. My mom I think was happy she didn't have to be the one who had to cook since she is normally one who does. I hope every one else had a blessed holiday season and may you have a good 2008!