Friday, February 15, 2008

Becoming a Big Girl

As of Tuesday Abby and I started swim lessons and she is doing great! It is a parent and tot class. We put back floats on her and she was holding onto a long foam tube that they call a noodle and she started to kick and was cruising around the pool in no time! Then we took the noodle away and she saw two little kids her age swimming around and she pushed me away and started to swim on her own with just a back float. The other kids have been going to swim lessons since they were 6 months, so she is catching on quick. Hopefully I will have pics soon to post of her in the pool.

She is also into brushing her own teeth, which is good I guess but she doesn't want us to help. Then it becomes a battle! So in the morning after breakfast she gets to brush and in the evenings mommy or daddy brush.

The biggest accomplishment though lately is that Abby is being potty trained and is doing awsome! Which we love because diapers are sooooo expensive and we are tired of changing them. Last week it was hanging around -40 so we decided to stay home for the week and figured it was the best time to learn! I'm still not comforatable going out without the diaper on her but while we are home big girl panties it is!

Here is a picture of Abby loving her baby dolls! She isn't just a mother to them though. Last Tuesday I watched a couple of kiddos while their mom was at the fire station for training night. Abby treated Porter like he was a little baby and was trying to feed him. He is about 15 months I beleive.

Of course she helped him eat his food too!
So a lot has been changing here with Abigail! We are all doing great and are looking forward to some spring and summer fun!