Thursday, May 29, 2008

Weekend in Tok

This past weekend Abby and I went to Tok with my mom and dad to visit my sister and her family. The kids had a blast playing outside. Abby always loves spending time with her cousins, I think she feels like a big kid when she is with them. Here are some pics for you all to enjoy.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Our Little Toddler

Lets just say Abby has a fasion of her own, as do most toddlers! This is a picture of her with her friends Bobby and Cal.

Here she is taking her baby (which was mine when I was a little girl) for a ride on her firetruck. When ever she see's a firetruck she says "weeooh weeooh" She loves being at the fire station with dad!

Here she was just getting tired of me taking pictures of her. We were on our way to the Fire Station for a groundbreaking ceremony for the new station addition. So I had her in a cute little dress and she insisted on wearing her cow water boots!

She is also the best little helper! Lately she has been a daddy's little girl. Here she is helping Marc clean the windows. And to be safe she insisted on wearing her tonka hard helmet. Every morning this week she asks "where daddy at" and whines.

Hope everyone is well and until next time take care!