Monday, June 30, 2008

The Month of June

Since I haven't posted in a while I thought I would just combine everything from June together. We have had a busy month planting our garden, mowing the lawn, and having fun in the summer sun! Well actually we are still waiting for summer to arrive here in Fairbanks. The garden isn't doing as well as we had hoped. We haven't had many sunny days:( So posted below are some pics of Abby taken this month. Enjoy!

Abby helping us mow the lawn!

Playing in the garden. We planted Potato's, Green Beans, Peas, Onions, Califlower, Brocolii, Peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, and a cucumber.

This girl loves corn on the cob like her daddy. If you are ever around her when she's eating it be sure to keep your fingers out of her way or you will get bit!

Abby and I are part of a playgroup that meets on Friday's at various parks around town. This is a picture of her playing with her friend Aiden.

While mom was out shopping with the girls Marc and Abby spent the day together. Here she is reading the sunday paper.