Friday, August 15, 2008

Blueberry Picking and Jam Making

In the past few weeks we have also gone blueberry picking and have made jam with them. At first we didn't think the blueberries were going to be very good this year. To our surprise they were plentiful and big for Alaskan Blueberries.

Abby and Marc acting like Bears protecting their blueberries.

Just Posing for a picture

Getting ready to mash some berries

Mashing the berries.

Fishing and Camping at Nome Creek

A few weeks ago we went camping and fishing with my parents at Nome Creek. My dad and Marc caught a lot of grayling and spent most of their day doing that. Abby got my dad to carry her around a lot so she was in heaven. We tried our hand at gold panning and enjoyed just hanging out cooking "hot dogs and marshmellows for dinner" as my sister Carrie would say (you would have to see the video of her with her pigtails and missing teeth when we were kids to understand how funny that really is to our family). So as usual are pictures below for you all to enjoy. Abby making Papa carry her around the creek in his waders.
Just a picture of the view we had all weekend long, this is why I love Alaska!

Abby was suppose to be reeling in her line but insisted papa do the fishing!

Little stinker, you have to watch her like a hawk, she got a hold of the sunscreen when I wasn't looking!

Not sure what is going on in this picture?

We were trying to get her to smell the flower, instead she was wrestling it.

Marc enjoying the afternoon in the creek

Now and Then (finally)

I finally got around to scanning the photos of Abby and her friend Kiara. I believe they are 3 months apart in age. So the 1st two pics were taken in July of 2006 and the last one was taken this past July. They were really cute together and seemed to really enjoy each other. Hopefully it won't be another 2 years before we get them together again!
