Thursday, November 20, 2008

More pics from Seattle

So we had a lot of fun in Seattle. For the first part Cam's mom met us down in Seattle then my mom came down for the second half of our stay. They both were a huge help, the nicest part was Abby had a sleep buddy so we didn't have to sleep with her! I'll write a little something under each picture to explain and tell stories. They are backwords in the order of events but I don't have the patience to go back and put them in order.
This picture is from the same day as we flew out, we went to the Woodland Park Zoon and Abby thought it was pretty cool to be so close to this Gorillia who seems to be checking her out from the corner of his eye. I guess he is a very new proud daddy, it was to cold for the baby to be out though so we didn't get to see her.

This is us acting silly in Levenworth Washingtion. It was a long days drive and kind of crazy getting back to Seattle. My mom really seemed to enjoy it, my parents spent one of their annivesiaries there when I was a little kid. So it was neat for her to see how much it had changed. It was raining pretty good then when we got in the mountains there was snow for a short way. Then we got back to Seattle around 5:30ish on a weekday. We were sometimes at a stand still and then the last adventure was getting across 5 lanes of traffic to get to our exit. I don't know how people do the commute every day, I would find it very stressful!

My 2 year old daughter acting pregnant, what a silly girl!

We vistited a Cabela's in Lacy WA. It was way cool and we spent 3 hours and a fortune. The best part was the halibut lunch in the restraunt.

Cam's mom loves the ocean so we thought it would be neat to show her the Pacific Ocean, granite it isn't like in Hawaii where the water is really blue but it was very pretty. I don't think she liked the long drive but we made it there and back in one piece. This is near Forks, WA on the pennisula. So Mom Wohlford decided she wanted to soak her feet in the water but didn't want to run through it like the crazy Alaska people so her and Cam thought it would be a good idea to have her sit on a rock and take her shoes and socks off so we could get a picture. I don't think we ever did get that picture, A big wave came and soaked them pretty good. Cam had Abby in his arms so she wasn't to bad off. The rock was pretty slippery, right after cam handed me abby and took his moms shoes and socks he fell and dropped his moms shoes in the water! Then as I was trying to get Abby out of the way so she wouldn't get drenched her shoes started drifting off ot sea, I got a little bit of one foot wet getting them. Everyone finally got off the rock Cam and his mom were pretty wet and Abby was still doing good, I got her shoes back on. Then Cam decided to walk a little bit along the shore again and him and abby had their backs turned and this big wave came and drenched them pretty good. Poor abby was soaked from her waste down. Some how I was the lucky one and got away without having drenched shoes! I think you had to be there to really see how comical this really was so sorry to go on for so long.

Abby and her daddy posing in front of the ocean before they got wet!

Abby at the Seattle aquariam looking into the tank that you could touch the creatures. But she was pretty grumpy that day and didn 't want to have anything to do with that.

Snowqualime falls (not sure if I spelled it right?)

Picture with dad at snowqualime falls on a big boulder.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fun in Seattle

Today while in Seattle we had some fun! We started our day off by visiting the Space Needle because Abby wasn't going to stop asking about it until we went. When we flew in late Sunday evening (after being stuck in the Fairbanks airport for 12 hours because of mechanical problems) Abby saw the lights of Seattle and let everyone on the plane know she saw the Space Needle over and over again. My sister was heading to Orlando with her family and happened to be on the same plane as us and Abby was sitting with them when they landed. So below are some pics, mostly of the Children's museum. It was really awsome and I suggest to anyone who has kids to bring them to it if you are in Seattle. Very interactive and a good way to burn energy on a rainy day.
Abby and Nana Reading a book at the museum

Abby checking out at the Children's museum grocery store.

Building Mr. Potato Heads with dad at the museum

Abby in front of the Space Needle