Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's Twins!!!

Most people already know, but for those of you who I don't have an email address for we found out this past Monday that I am pregnant with twins! It is still really early on but they looked great and we got to see their little hearts beat. The babies in the photo below are only 6 weeks 4 days gestational, so really only 4 weeks 4 days since fertilization. Amazing that things form so quickly.
We are excited but I'm also a little scared. I hope and pray that they make it to a healthy size before they enter this world. Abby is already for a baby sister and Cam wants his boy so maybe I'll have one of each! With Cam's luck though he will have two more girls, hehehehehe. My dad lived with 4 women he can do it to. I have another ultrasound at 12 weeks (Jan 15th) which will probably be to early to tell the sex but we definitely are going to find out. Not only can we not wait, but if it is a boy and girl they can track the progress better if they can tell them apart. With twins the doctor said I will be having a lot of ultrasounds so we will be boring you all with lots of pictures! Hope this finds everyone well.