Saturday, February 14, 2009

17 Weeks and counting and some other pics

Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks and a picture of my pregnant belly at 17 weeks.

Looking like I am 6 months along!
Grandpa Bob, Abbys adopted grandparent, bringing her home on the snowmachine, she was so excited. Bob and his wife Jo take Abby about once a week for a few hours so mom can get a break and get some things done (I know I'm spoiled). She really enjoys them and they call asking to see her so it seems to go both ways! They have an Australian Shepard named Chase that Abby loves to death and the dog seems to really love Abby too, he heards her around it is really funny.
Still smiling after her ride!

My little artist painting and making a mess. I'm learing to turn my head and let her have a blast while doing crafts. She seems to enjoy it much better that way and I don't stress until its time to clean up:)