Thursday, May 21, 2009

61 days and counting

61 days until my scheduled c-section which makes me 30 weeks pregnant today!!! Today has been a great day for me. This is the first time in a long time that I have spent most of the day by myself and just resting. My dad came and got Abby yesterday after work and my mom will be bringing her home some time this afternoon. I seem to be getting tired pretty quick now and trying to keep up with a 3 year old is becoming challenging. So here is a picture my mom took this past Tuesday (29 weeks 5 days)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Silly Abby and Catch up

So I haven't posted in a while so here are several pics of Abby being the silly girl she is and one of me in my "blueberry dress"(Cam and Abby call me blueberry mama because my belly looks so huge in it, maybe because it is:)) I found out at a recent appointment that the boys will be delivered by c-section at 10am on July 21st unless they decide to come earlier. I also found out that I am a little iron deficient so now I am taking yucky iron pills, but everything else was good!

We had an awesome Mothers Day yesterday and I feel so blessed to have the family and friends that I do. We had friends come over for brunch and had the guys cook for us. Right after we got done eating the power went out, but that didn't stop the fun:) Some guy cut down a tree on the power line behind our house. It took GVEA 6 hours to get the power back on. He must have really messed it up because they were out there the whole time and had to bring a heavy equipment up to help repair it. So we got to try our generator out and it was great having so we could keep the refrigerator cold and the pump going so we could flush the potty!

So here are some pics from the past month.

Abby and her best buddies Brooks and Sawyer being silly

Enjoying sunny spring day with her ear puffs on while the Water Wagon guy fills our tank!

Abby at swim lessons, looks like she needs a new bathing suit, she is showing of her mosquito bites:)

Playing dress up with one of the dresses cousin emily gave her.

Firs Four Wheeler ride of the year with dad.

Headed out to the garden to help dad with the new green house

Blueberry Mama! (I think 27 weeks along)

Brooks and Abby having a potty party at the park. Anything to avoid the outhouses.

Abby making a silly face in her new Carhart's that Grandma and Papa bought her.