Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nov/Dec 2009 Update

Taking care of a 3 year old and twin boys has left me no time to keep up with this blog so here is a quick update on the past two months! Hope everyone is well and I will just put captions under each photo! Of course the way I loaded the photos it is backwards but I don't have the patience right now to put them in order so they go from newest to oldest as you would probably figure out on your own:)

Daniel and Clayton on Christmas day with their presents

Abby with all her presents, she was very excited to get a new kitchen.

The boys in their Christmas PJ's

On December 6th the boys and I got baptized and we became members of Christ Lutheran Church here in Fairbanks, AK

Daniel and Clayton sporting their " Alaska Boys got the berries!" shirts

Picture of the kids on Thanksgiving Day at my sister Dawn's house. My sister and brother In-Law had all of us over for Thanksgiving Dinner and made a delicious meal.

Sorry this is sideways, again my patience is worn thin so I have not flipped this photo around, I suggest you just turn your head sideways:) This is the boys first sled ride, we were headed up to our friends Bob and Jo's house for a little visit.

My dad always knocks on the window to make faces at Abby so this time we all got in the window to get our picture taken as my mom and dad were leaving that afternoon.

The weekend before Thanksgiving we have all our friends over for a big meal, I thought all the shoes were funny so I took a picture.

Picture of some of our guest.

Here is Jenny and Sawyer Brown, they live across the street and walked over for our Thanksgiving dinner. Look at the coats behind them piled to the ceiling almost!
Hope this finds everyone well, I can't promise anything but I will try my best to post sooner next time!