Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fun in the snow!

Last week we got about 10 inches of snow in one snowfall then we got a few more inches of snow. It warmed up to 35 so some of it melted and snow got packed down, but it made it fun to play in, you could actually make ok snowballs. Usually Fairbanks snow is very dry and no fun! Now a week later it is -35!!! So here are some pics of Abby playing outside.
Mommy and Daddy's little helper!

Just Relaxing!


spieth said...

what a cutie, hope you are staying warm, I now know why aunt dar moved south, ope you are doing well, we are having alot of fun with tanner love aunt terrie

Stacey said...

hey you! she is so cute. glad you can have some fun in the weather! I have been dying to go ice skating...weird huh? i think its cause the ponds here are sooooo perfect and smooth. either that or it just a pregnancy craving! :-) Hope all is fun!
miss ya!!!