Sunday, March 23, 2008

New addition to family and Happy Easter!

Yesterday at 12:46pm my sister had my little nephew Gabriel Ronin Young. He was 7lbs 5oz, 20 inches, and with an apgar of 9. He is so cute! That makes 7 grand kids for my parents and you would think it was number 1 again:) Here are some pics from this morning.

My niece Kerstin is a proud big sister!

Uncle Marc loves the babies!

Happy Easter from Abby! She wasn't allowed to be in the room with Gabriel so we will get a picture of her with him some other time.


Stacey said...

Yae! Congrats to the fam. I am happy for you all. tell her I said congrats (since she prolly wont be checking her myspace, i figure you could relay the message) Awesome stuff! Hope all are well. Abby is growing up. NO diapers soon!

spieth said...

what a cutie, tell dawn we said hi, my how they grow up fast, and your little one looks so ornery, hope you are all doing well tell grandma and grandpa we said hi. ron has been working in canada alot he was there for 3 weeks and home for 2 now he has to go back for 3 more give everyone our love aunt terrie