Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fourth of July

Our 4th of July was awesome. We started out putting our screen tent up (marc's dad and I) while Nana played at the park with Abby, and Marc helped the Fire Department prepare for the parade.

This years parade was pretty lame but it was still fun. Those of you who have never been to an Ester Parade are missing out! It lasts for all of 3o minutes. The first group is kids on bikes and they actually finish in about 2 minutes! The fly through the parade route while their parents chase behind them. Usually Ester parades have a lot of political satire involved which was lacking this year despite the fact that it is an election year??? The Fire Trucks are tucked in between the other groups along with old cars. The most awesome part though is the Calypso Farm and Ecology center throws out to the crowd radishes or turnips, so you best be be paying attention! I would like to enter Abby in it next year so if any of you have a good idea for a little float let me know! I'm not very creative when it comes to things like that!

After the parade there is a big picnic while the kids run around playing and get hosed down by the local water truck. (those of you who don't live in Alaska, some of us have our water delivered instead of having our own well or being on city water. Here in Ester a lot of mining went on back in the day, so if you have a well you could have problems with arsenic in your water).

Then we headed home to meet up with the Tuckers and the Carringtons to enjoy some homemade ice cream made by Abby's Nana. She made Chocolate and Strawberry.
To top of our 4th of July Marcus, Trish, and Kiara came to visit us. They were up visiting from Anchorage for the weekend. My next post will have pics of Abby and Kiara. The last time we visited them was July of 06' so I am hoping to get a "Now and Then" Post, just having a problem getting the then picture to load on the computer:(
Below are some pics for everyone to enjoy!

Sean and Emily Tucker being silly!

Miss Alison blowing bubbles, what a cutie!

Caroline and Abby having fun in the pool!

The swing set Nana and Pap got for Abby and the other little kids who visit us, including Kyle

Emily soaking her toes!

Jen, Emily, and Sean's mama hanging out!

Caroling hanging out with Abby's Nana

Abby sporting her new dress Nana bought her waiting for the parade to start

Carrington Family Portrait!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun with Nana and Pap

Marc's parents came up for a visit the end of June and through the 4th of July weekend. Abby had a blast and loves them to death. She speaks of them often since they've been gone. Here are some pics of her having fun with her Nana and Pap from Virginia.

For those of you who have not visited the Fairbanks area, this picture was
taken at the Knotty shop. They have made Alaskan Animals out of
wood burls, which are knotts that grow in the spruce trees that grow here.

Abby relaxing and eating a "pop pop" (aka Popsicle) with her nana.

Abby checking out the goldfish in the pond at the University of AK botanical gardens

Abby sitting in the sled at Pioneer Park as Nana pretends to mush!
Fun in the sun!