Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun with Nana and Pap

Marc's parents came up for a visit the end of June and through the 4th of July weekend. Abby had a blast and loves them to death. She speaks of them often since they've been gone. Here are some pics of her having fun with her Nana and Pap from Virginia.

For those of you who have not visited the Fairbanks area, this picture was
taken at the Knotty shop. They have made Alaskan Animals out of
wood burls, which are knotts that grow in the spruce trees that grow here.

Abby relaxing and eating a "pop pop" (aka Popsicle) with her nana.

Abby checking out the goldfish in the pond at the University of AK botanical gardens

Abby sitting in the sled at Pioneer Park as Nana pretends to mush!
Fun in the sun!

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