Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008

Abby really enjoyed Halloween this year. We went out to North Pole and she got to go out with all of her cousins. She has no problem keeping up when it comes to candy! I asked her if she was cold and wanted to go back to Grandma and Papa's house and it was "no I get more candy". She was a very polite trick or treater. She would tell them "thank you" and "Happy Halloween". When we got back to my parents house all the kids dumped their candy out and we caught Abby trying to take a piece from someone else's pile. To top the night of we went to her god grandma's house and she got about as much candy there as she did when we went out. Grandpa Re and Grandma Yogi love to spoil her!!! Hope you all had a fun and Happy Halloween.

Abby with her goods

Our pumpkins and Abby, she love getting the insides out!

Dr. Abby checking the pumpkin out!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Abby's First Visit to the ER

Last night around 8:30 Abby decided to place a crasin in her nose and shove it way up there. We tried to get it out but decided we best just head to the ER. Thank goodness it was nothing more serious. The only problem was that she enjoyed it way to much! Hopefully she didn't enjoy it so much that she trys this again. She was a very brave good girl. They gave her some drugs to relax her and it was hilarious. She got giggly and woozy(she acted like a drunk adult). They thought for sure she would fight them so they had two doctors and three nurses in the room to hold her still. But she never even cried and was very patient with them. So below is a picture of her at the hospital. She got a bunch of stickers and lots of attention.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Choo Choo Train

So we received an Alan & Peterson catalog (kitchen supply store in Anchorage) in the mail a couple weeks ago and inside it was a Choo-Choo Train cake. Abby feel in love with it at first sight and wanted it for her Birthday Cake. Her birthday isn't until April! So for several days I heard about the Choo-Choo Train cake and her birthday party. She carried the catalog around with her for several days, she even sleep with it. One day we went to Marc's work and she showed his co-workers the catalog. Cathy who works with Marc thought it was pretty cute and wanted one for her grandson and it just so happened that her son was headed to Anchorage that weekend. So she was going to have him buy us one too! There ended up only being one so she was so kind to let us have it so long as we let her borrow it.

The only thing I would have done differently was get halloween candies and black and orange frosting for it. So we are going to make a family tradition and we are going to make themed choo-choo train cakes for different holidays! Here are some pics of Abby and her cake, she is very proud of it. Hope this finds everyone well and until next time take care.