Sunday, October 12, 2008

Choo Choo Train

So we received an Alan & Peterson catalog (kitchen supply store in Anchorage) in the mail a couple weeks ago and inside it was a Choo-Choo Train cake. Abby feel in love with it at first sight and wanted it for her Birthday Cake. Her birthday isn't until April! So for several days I heard about the Choo-Choo Train cake and her birthday party. She carried the catalog around with her for several days, she even sleep with it. One day we went to Marc's work and she showed his co-workers the catalog. Cathy who works with Marc thought it was pretty cute and wanted one for her grandson and it just so happened that her son was headed to Anchorage that weekend. So she was going to have him buy us one too! There ended up only being one so she was so kind to let us have it so long as we let her borrow it.

The only thing I would have done differently was get halloween candies and black and orange frosting for it. So we are going to make a family tradition and we are going to make themed choo-choo train cakes for different holidays! Here are some pics of Abby and her cake, she is very proud of it. Hope this finds everyone well and until next time take care.


codysmommy99 said...

Cutie!! She must get it from her aunt carrie!! Good job on the cake Ang!

Unknown said...

what a cute idea, i love the cake! natanya loves 'choo-choo trains' too, i bet she'd love a cake like that....maybe i'll have to buy one too! :)