Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fun in Seattle

Today while in Seattle we had some fun! We started our day off by visiting the Space Needle because Abby wasn't going to stop asking about it until we went. When we flew in late Sunday evening (after being stuck in the Fairbanks airport for 12 hours because of mechanical problems) Abby saw the lights of Seattle and let everyone on the plane know she saw the Space Needle over and over again. My sister was heading to Orlando with her family and happened to be on the same plane as us and Abby was sitting with them when they landed. So below are some pics, mostly of the Children's museum. It was really awsome and I suggest to anyone who has kids to bring them to it if you are in Seattle. Very interactive and a good way to burn energy on a rainy day.
Abby and Nana Reading a book at the museum

Abby checking out at the Children's museum grocery store.

Building Mr. Potato Heads with dad at the museum

Abby in front of the Space Needle

1 comment:

Stacey said...

awww, how cute. Thats funny about the craisin. She looks wayyyy to happy to be in an ER. glad it wasnt anything too serious. The choochoo train cake is so cool. i love it!