Monday, July 13, 2009

July update so far

We had a great 4th of July here in Ester. We did what we have been doing for years, watch or be in the Ester Parade and join in the picnic at the Ester Community Park. It was a relaxing day and Abby had a blast hanging out with her little friend Emily. Most of these pics are from July 3rd, we had playgroup at the park and one of the ladies, Anne Jenkins, had a camera and took some pictures of Abby and I. So not much going on here until a week from tomorrow when I will have my c-section and our little boys enter our lives. It is going to be a big change for us but we look forward to it. We will post pics as soon as possible. I have a feeling I won't have time to be on the computer a lot once they arrive! Hope this finds everyone well.

My little Angel and I hanging out at the park.

My big ole belly at 36 weeks

Abby being cute as usual.

Our last 4th of July as a family of three!

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