Saturday, December 1, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

I know I'm a little late posting about our Thanksgiving Bash:( Everything went off well this year, we hosted our 10th Annual Thanksgiving at our house. At one point in time we had 35 people in our house. We calculated that we fed 25 adults and 5 kids. For the past 10 years we have hosted a pre Thanksgiving Dinner for all of our friends the weekend before the actual Thanksgiving. Below is the picture of most of the group, I believe we are missing about 8 people out of it. Marc was taking the picture and some people showed up a little late.

It was a great time and what made it even more special is our friends Jen, Joe, and Ava were able to make it up from North Carolina. They were in Alaska for about 2 weeks and we had a great time catching up with them. They left Alaska to be closer to family but they just couldn't resist coming back to spend time with all of their Alaska Family.

Then on Actual Thanksgiving Day we headed to Delta to my sister Dawn's house and had a great meal and family time there. My Dad turned 60 on November 12th and we weren't all able to get together for it so we also celebrated his birthday. He seemed to enjoy it and absolutely loved being surrounded by his grand kids as you can tell by the photo.

We have had a lot to be thankful for this year. The three of us are happy and healthy. Also we have managed to live on one income so I can be a stay at home mom! I'm loving it too. This past fall Marc had achieved his goal of becoming the Chief of the Ester Volunteer Fire Department. I'm not sure if he expected it to happen this soon but he has a seemed to enjoy it so far.

Until next time, ta ta for now!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween 2007

On Saturday October 27 we ventured back to Tok to visit with my sisters and to finally get to experience one of my sister Carrie's Halloween Parties! We all really enjoyed ourselves especially Abby. She absolutely loves running with the big kids. Although she was showing some Alpha Female Dominance over a couple 3 year old girls and a 12 month old little girl. She kept stealing the balloons from them and put the 12 month old in a sleeper hold and wouldn't let go of her. She was giving her hugs and kisses, it was actually really cute she just wouldn't let go! Then the little stinker wouldn't leave her cousin Emily's outfit alone. Emil was a candy princess and Abby was trying to eat her dress all night long
On our way home Sunday morning we got to see a herd of Buffalo outside Delta. It was really cool! Below is a video clip of them.

For Halloween this year Abby was a Fire Woman. I know very original:( I figure I better do it now because in years to come she will want to be a princess or something else girly. On Halloween night we dressed her up and brought her over to her god grandma's house to go trick or treating. She made out like a bandit. Yolanda and Re let her have free access to the goodie bowl and she picked every bag of plain M&M's out. This is really the only candy she has had before so she new exactly what they were.

So we had a fun Halloween and look forward to many more:)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fun in the snow

Winter has finally arrived in Fairbanks. I'm not looking forward to the long winter days, but it will be nice not having to go anywhere when it is -40. I think Abby and I will snuggle up in a nice warm blanket and drink some hot chocolate! Okay that is wishful thinking because Abby doesn't like to snuggle that much and hates being inside. She defiantly is an Alaskan Girl who loves the outdoors!

This past weekend we brought her out to check out the cool white stuff that was sticking to the ground. She wasn't to sure about it but she thought it was pretty funny when her dad hit me with snowballs! With her new winter boots its like she is learning to walk all over again. I guess she isn't use to all that ankle support.

Until next time stay warm if your in Alaska or cool if your in the tropics of the lower 48. I can't believe how warm it is everywhere, except here of course. Whenever it is cold here it is hot down there and just the opposite. So I think we are in for a pretty cold winter if things don't change soon:) Take Care.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Birthday and Hunting

Abby and I headed to Tok this past weekend with my mom and dad to spend time with my sisters and their kids. We celebrated Cody and Katie's birthday and had a good time just hanging out.

Abby loves to hang out with her cousins and chase them around. She did good until she decided to climb on a chair. She fell off and busted her mouth, blood was flowing and mom got whoozy feeling:) Later that night she was chasing Cody and Emily into the bedroom and ran right into the corner of the wall. Ouch! She bounced up pretty fast and was on her way again. She is starting to prove to be a clumsey little gal.

While we were out having fun and partying Marc was out hunting. Unfortuatly he did not get his moose this year. He saw a lot but they were never anywhere where he could shoot them. They were either out of the rifle range or across the road and by they time he crossed to get a shot they were gone. He did however take this picture while he was out.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Fishing Trip

Thanks to Mike and Morgan, and my cousin Stace I have been inspired to create a blog of the Wohlford Family. So here is my first posting:)

This past weekend a co-worker of Marc's took us out on his boat fishing. We had a blast and had a good day fishing. The sun was out and the fish were plentiful! We as a family have not gotten out and done something this fun in a long time. Abby really enjoyed herself. She liked to splash in the mud puddles, that was until she got stuck in the mud and fell over.

Reed, the guy who brought us out, said we weren't allowed to give up his fishing spot. So he said when someone asked where we caught them we are suppose to respond, " In the mouth"!

We are very thankful that Reed and his wife took us out on their Saturday and spent the day with us. Marc hasn't fished since he left Virginia and has never caught a fish bigger than these. Next summer I'm sure we will get more fishing in, its something we can do with Abby and she loves the outdoors.