Thursday, October 4, 2007

Birthday and Hunting

Abby and I headed to Tok this past weekend with my mom and dad to spend time with my sisters and their kids. We celebrated Cody and Katie's birthday and had a good time just hanging out.

Abby loves to hang out with her cousins and chase them around. She did good until she decided to climb on a chair. She fell off and busted her mouth, blood was flowing and mom got whoozy feeling:) Later that night she was chasing Cody and Emily into the bedroom and ran right into the corner of the wall. Ouch! She bounced up pretty fast and was on her way again. She is starting to prove to be a clumsey little gal.

While we were out having fun and partying Marc was out hunting. Unfortuatly he did not get his moose this year. He saw a lot but they were never anywhere where he could shoot them. They were either out of the rifle range or across the road and by they time he crossed to get a shot they were gone. He did however take this picture while he was out.

1 comment:

codysmommy99 said...

Hey, I recognize those little monkeys! See you this weekend! Love you- Carrie