Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fun in the snow

Winter has finally arrived in Fairbanks. I'm not looking forward to the long winter days, but it will be nice not having to go anywhere when it is -40. I think Abby and I will snuggle up in a nice warm blanket and drink some hot chocolate! Okay that is wishful thinking because Abby doesn't like to snuggle that much and hates being inside. She defiantly is an Alaskan Girl who loves the outdoors!

This past weekend we brought her out to check out the cool white stuff that was sticking to the ground. She wasn't to sure about it but she thought it was pretty funny when her dad hit me with snowballs! With her new winter boots its like she is learning to walk all over again. I guess she isn't use to all that ankle support.

Until next time stay warm if your in Alaska or cool if your in the tropics of the lower 48. I can't believe how warm it is everywhere, except here of course. Whenever it is cold here it is hot down there and just the opposite. So I think we are in for a pretty cold winter if things don't change soon:) Take Care.


Stacey said...

HEy! Thanks for the comment on my post. I love comments :-) I was also wanting to get your blog name again. Do you guys watch deal or no deal there? I am about to go watch taht. Dont watch much tv anymore, but thats one I've gotsta watch. HOpe all is well. enjoy the snow. I think our weather here is waht your summers are like. cya!

Stacey said...

Hey girl. Abby is just sooooo cute. How much fun it must be! What will you be doing for the winter? I dunno what we will do. i will prolly get tanner a snowsuit and go roll around in the snow :-) he has a cold right now, so that is not fun. poor guy! Tell the fam i said hi!