Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's Twins!!!

Most people already know, but for those of you who I don't have an email address for we found out this past Monday that I am pregnant with twins! It is still really early on but they looked great and we got to see their little hearts beat. The babies in the photo below are only 6 weeks 4 days gestational, so really only 4 weeks 4 days since fertilization. Amazing that things form so quickly.
We are excited but I'm also a little scared. I hope and pray that they make it to a healthy size before they enter this world. Abby is already for a baby sister and Cam wants his boy so maybe I'll have one of each! With Cam's luck though he will have two more girls, hehehehehe. My dad lived with 4 women he can do it to. I have another ultrasound at 12 weeks (Jan 15th) which will probably be to early to tell the sex but we definitely are going to find out. Not only can we not wait, but if it is a boy and girl they can track the progress better if they can tell them apart. With twins the doctor said I will be having a lot of ultrasounds so we will be boring you all with lots of pictures! Hope this finds everyone well.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

More pics from Seattle

So we had a lot of fun in Seattle. For the first part Cam's mom met us down in Seattle then my mom came down for the second half of our stay. They both were a huge help, the nicest part was Abby had a sleep buddy so we didn't have to sleep with her! I'll write a little something under each picture to explain and tell stories. They are backwords in the order of events but I don't have the patience to go back and put them in order.
This picture is from the same day as we flew out, we went to the Woodland Park Zoon and Abby thought it was pretty cool to be so close to this Gorillia who seems to be checking her out from the corner of his eye. I guess he is a very new proud daddy, it was to cold for the baby to be out though so we didn't get to see her.

This is us acting silly in Levenworth Washingtion. It was a long days drive and kind of crazy getting back to Seattle. My mom really seemed to enjoy it, my parents spent one of their annivesiaries there when I was a little kid. So it was neat for her to see how much it had changed. It was raining pretty good then when we got in the mountains there was snow for a short way. Then we got back to Seattle around 5:30ish on a weekday. We were sometimes at a stand still and then the last adventure was getting across 5 lanes of traffic to get to our exit. I don't know how people do the commute every day, I would find it very stressful!

My 2 year old daughter acting pregnant, what a silly girl!

We vistited a Cabela's in Lacy WA. It was way cool and we spent 3 hours and a fortune. The best part was the halibut lunch in the restraunt.

Cam's mom loves the ocean so we thought it would be neat to show her the Pacific Ocean, granite it isn't like in Hawaii where the water is really blue but it was very pretty. I don't think she liked the long drive but we made it there and back in one piece. This is near Forks, WA on the pennisula. So Mom Wohlford decided she wanted to soak her feet in the water but didn't want to run through it like the crazy Alaska people so her and Cam thought it would be a good idea to have her sit on a rock and take her shoes and socks off so we could get a picture. I don't think we ever did get that picture, A big wave came and soaked them pretty good. Cam had Abby in his arms so she wasn't to bad off. The rock was pretty slippery, right after cam handed me abby and took his moms shoes and socks he fell and dropped his moms shoes in the water! Then as I was trying to get Abby out of the way so she wouldn't get drenched her shoes started drifting off ot sea, I got a little bit of one foot wet getting them. Everyone finally got off the rock Cam and his mom were pretty wet and Abby was still doing good, I got her shoes back on. Then Cam decided to walk a little bit along the shore again and him and abby had their backs turned and this big wave came and drenched them pretty good. Poor abby was soaked from her waste down. Some how I was the lucky one and got away without having drenched shoes! I think you had to be there to really see how comical this really was so sorry to go on for so long.

Abby and her daddy posing in front of the ocean before they got wet!

Abby at the Seattle aquariam looking into the tank that you could touch the creatures. But she was pretty grumpy that day and didn 't want to have anything to do with that.

Snowqualime falls (not sure if I spelled it right?)

Picture with dad at snowqualime falls on a big boulder.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fun in Seattle

Today while in Seattle we had some fun! We started our day off by visiting the Space Needle because Abby wasn't going to stop asking about it until we went. When we flew in late Sunday evening (after being stuck in the Fairbanks airport for 12 hours because of mechanical problems) Abby saw the lights of Seattle and let everyone on the plane know she saw the Space Needle over and over again. My sister was heading to Orlando with her family and happened to be on the same plane as us and Abby was sitting with them when they landed. So below are some pics, mostly of the Children's museum. It was really awsome and I suggest to anyone who has kids to bring them to it if you are in Seattle. Very interactive and a good way to burn energy on a rainy day.
Abby and Nana Reading a book at the museum

Abby checking out at the Children's museum grocery store.

Building Mr. Potato Heads with dad at the museum

Abby in front of the Space Needle

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008

Abby really enjoyed Halloween this year. We went out to North Pole and she got to go out with all of her cousins. She has no problem keeping up when it comes to candy! I asked her if she was cold and wanted to go back to Grandma and Papa's house and it was "no I get more candy". She was a very polite trick or treater. She would tell them "thank you" and "Happy Halloween". When we got back to my parents house all the kids dumped their candy out and we caught Abby trying to take a piece from someone else's pile. To top the night of we went to her god grandma's house and she got about as much candy there as she did when we went out. Grandpa Re and Grandma Yogi love to spoil her!!! Hope you all had a fun and Happy Halloween.

Abby with her goods

Our pumpkins and Abby, she love getting the insides out!

Dr. Abby checking the pumpkin out!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Abby's First Visit to the ER

Last night around 8:30 Abby decided to place a crasin in her nose and shove it way up there. We tried to get it out but decided we best just head to the ER. Thank goodness it was nothing more serious. The only problem was that she enjoyed it way to much! Hopefully she didn't enjoy it so much that she trys this again. She was a very brave good girl. They gave her some drugs to relax her and it was hilarious. She got giggly and woozy(she acted like a drunk adult). They thought for sure she would fight them so they had two doctors and three nurses in the room to hold her still. But she never even cried and was very patient with them. So below is a picture of her at the hospital. She got a bunch of stickers and lots of attention.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Choo Choo Train

So we received an Alan & Peterson catalog (kitchen supply store in Anchorage) in the mail a couple weeks ago and inside it was a Choo-Choo Train cake. Abby feel in love with it at first sight and wanted it for her Birthday Cake. Her birthday isn't until April! So for several days I heard about the Choo-Choo Train cake and her birthday party. She carried the catalog around with her for several days, she even sleep with it. One day we went to Marc's work and she showed his co-workers the catalog. Cathy who works with Marc thought it was pretty cute and wanted one for her grandson and it just so happened that her son was headed to Anchorage that weekend. So she was going to have him buy us one too! There ended up only being one so she was so kind to let us have it so long as we let her borrow it.

The only thing I would have done differently was get halloween candies and black and orange frosting for it. So we are going to make a family tradition and we are going to make themed choo-choo train cakes for different holidays! Here are some pics of Abby and her cake, she is very proud of it. Hope this finds everyone well and until next time take care.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Blueberry Picking and Jam Making

In the past few weeks we have also gone blueberry picking and have made jam with them. At first we didn't think the blueberries were going to be very good this year. To our surprise they were plentiful and big for Alaskan Blueberries.

Abby and Marc acting like Bears protecting their blueberries.

Just Posing for a picture

Getting ready to mash some berries

Mashing the berries.

Fishing and Camping at Nome Creek

A few weeks ago we went camping and fishing with my parents at Nome Creek. My dad and Marc caught a lot of grayling and spent most of their day doing that. Abby got my dad to carry her around a lot so she was in heaven. We tried our hand at gold panning and enjoyed just hanging out cooking "hot dogs and marshmellows for dinner" as my sister Carrie would say (you would have to see the video of her with her pigtails and missing teeth when we were kids to understand how funny that really is to our family). So as usual are pictures below for you all to enjoy. Abby making Papa carry her around the creek in his waders.
Just a picture of the view we had all weekend long, this is why I love Alaska!

Abby was suppose to be reeling in her line but insisted papa do the fishing!

Little stinker, you have to watch her like a hawk, she got a hold of the sunscreen when I wasn't looking!

Not sure what is going on in this picture?

We were trying to get her to smell the flower, instead she was wrestling it.

Marc enjoying the afternoon in the creek

Now and Then (finally)

I finally got around to scanning the photos of Abby and her friend Kiara. I believe they are 3 months apart in age. So the 1st two pics were taken in July of 2006 and the last one was taken this past July. They were really cute together and seemed to really enjoy each other. Hopefully it won't be another 2 years before we get them together again!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fourth of July

Our 4th of July was awesome. We started out putting our screen tent up (marc's dad and I) while Nana played at the park with Abby, and Marc helped the Fire Department prepare for the parade.

This years parade was pretty lame but it was still fun. Those of you who have never been to an Ester Parade are missing out! It lasts for all of 3o minutes. The first group is kids on bikes and they actually finish in about 2 minutes! The fly through the parade route while their parents chase behind them. Usually Ester parades have a lot of political satire involved which was lacking this year despite the fact that it is an election year??? The Fire Trucks are tucked in between the other groups along with old cars. The most awesome part though is the Calypso Farm and Ecology center throws out to the crowd radishes or turnips, so you best be be paying attention! I would like to enter Abby in it next year so if any of you have a good idea for a little float let me know! I'm not very creative when it comes to things like that!

After the parade there is a big picnic while the kids run around playing and get hosed down by the local water truck. (those of you who don't live in Alaska, some of us have our water delivered instead of having our own well or being on city water. Here in Ester a lot of mining went on back in the day, so if you have a well you could have problems with arsenic in your water).

Then we headed home to meet up with the Tuckers and the Carringtons to enjoy some homemade ice cream made by Abby's Nana. She made Chocolate and Strawberry.
To top of our 4th of July Marcus, Trish, and Kiara came to visit us. They were up visiting from Anchorage for the weekend. My next post will have pics of Abby and Kiara. The last time we visited them was July of 06' so I am hoping to get a "Now and Then" Post, just having a problem getting the then picture to load on the computer:(
Below are some pics for everyone to enjoy!

Sean and Emily Tucker being silly!

Miss Alison blowing bubbles, what a cutie!

Caroline and Abby having fun in the pool!

The swing set Nana and Pap got for Abby and the other little kids who visit us, including Kyle

Emily soaking her toes!

Jen, Emily, and Sean's mama hanging out!

Caroling hanging out with Abby's Nana

Abby sporting her new dress Nana bought her waiting for the parade to start

Carrington Family Portrait!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun with Nana and Pap

Marc's parents came up for a visit the end of June and through the 4th of July weekend. Abby had a blast and loves them to death. She speaks of them often since they've been gone. Here are some pics of her having fun with her Nana and Pap from Virginia.

For those of you who have not visited the Fairbanks area, this picture was
taken at the Knotty shop. They have made Alaskan Animals out of
wood burls, which are knotts that grow in the spruce trees that grow here.

Abby relaxing and eating a "pop pop" (aka Popsicle) with her nana.

Abby checking out the goldfish in the pond at the University of AK botanical gardens

Abby sitting in the sled at Pioneer Park as Nana pretends to mush!
Fun in the sun!

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Month of June

Since I haven't posted in a while I thought I would just combine everything from June together. We have had a busy month planting our garden, mowing the lawn, and having fun in the summer sun! Well actually we are still waiting for summer to arrive here in Fairbanks. The garden isn't doing as well as we had hoped. We haven't had many sunny days:( So posted below are some pics of Abby taken this month. Enjoy!

Abby helping us mow the lawn!

Playing in the garden. We planted Potato's, Green Beans, Peas, Onions, Califlower, Brocolii, Peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, and a cucumber.

This girl loves corn on the cob like her daddy. If you are ever around her when she's eating it be sure to keep your fingers out of her way or you will get bit!

Abby and I are part of a playgroup that meets on Friday's at various parks around town. This is a picture of her playing with her friend Aiden.

While mom was out shopping with the girls Marc and Abby spent the day together. Here she is reading the sunday paper.