Thursday, October 30, 2008

Abby's First Visit to the ER

Last night around 8:30 Abby decided to place a crasin in her nose and shove it way up there. We tried to get it out but decided we best just head to the ER. Thank goodness it was nothing more serious. The only problem was that she enjoyed it way to much! Hopefully she didn't enjoy it so much that she trys this again. She was a very brave good girl. They gave her some drugs to relax her and it was hilarious. She got giggly and woozy(she acted like a drunk adult). They thought for sure she would fight them so they had two doctors and three nurses in the room to hold her still. But she never even cried and was very patient with them. So below is a picture of her at the hospital. She got a bunch of stickers and lots of attention.

1 comment:

morgan said...

She figured it out! That's why I broke my leg back in 2005 - to get fun drugs and attention! (Why didn't *I* get stickers?!) Too bad she didn't get to ride there with CGFR (or maybe not....) I'm glad that what the reason - my HR went up when I saw the title of this entry!