Sunday, January 18, 2009

Is it going to be cold or warm?

On December 30th Abby and I had been couped up in the house for to long so Cam and I decided we would bundle up and get some good fresh alaskan -30 below air. We only stayed out for like 15 minutes but it was nice to get out of the house. Abby is definatley our Alaskan kid who loves being outside and if she is in for to long she gets pretty upset.

It seems we have extremes to each end this winter. Less than 2 1/2 weeks later from the first pictures Abby and her dad are out at 45 above. For those of you who have never felt such a huge temperature change before it is pretty crazy! Even 0 degrees feels like a heat wave after going sevral weeks of -35 to -50. So enjoy the pics below and Abbys crazy warm weather outfit!

PS I have also included a video of us turning water into vapor at the bottom of the blog. Thats what we do for fun in Fairbanks Alaska when the tempartures are to cold to do anything else!

1 comment:

morgan said...

Those ringlets are OUTRAGEOUS! She is so freaking cute. And two more en route! I will HAVE to plan a visit to see the growing Wohlford family... Happy 2009, you guys. Miss you!