Thursday, January 29, 2009

Upon my sisters request

So I was embarassed to be showing this early but now that we know for sure that I am pregnant with twins I have an excuse to be! So since I haven't posted the pics of the twins I am also posting those here. Enjoy and for my sister and the rest of you that want to see my growing belly I will try to post a belly picture often. So long as all goes well the babies will be arriving in the 2nd or 3rd week of July unless they decide to come earlier. My actual due date if it was a single baby was July 30th.

We beleive this is baby "B" but that could change again next ultrasound!

Another Pic of Baby "B"

This is Baby "A", this one was very active and kept kicking his/her sibling in the head, then he/she decided to pose for the picture an relax! (I'm thinking this one is a boy)

And of course Abby and myself and prego belly This was taken at the begining of week 14.


Crystal said...

Great pictures. You look adorable!

Stacey said...

you look great! you should be proud with being pregnant with twins~ i am so excited for you~