Monday, March 2, 2009

Tok Trip in February

My mom, dad, Abby, and I headed to Tok to visit my sisters family two weekends ago. Abby had a blast playing with her cousins. Emily played dress up with Abby and did her makeup and painted her whole foot and her moms table with toe nail polish:) Cody played outside with her and went to look for bunnies with no success. Emily doesn't go outside because she doesn't like the snow. She doesn't have an ounce of fat on her so I would imagine she gets pretty cold pretty fast. So below are some pics my mom took of the kids. I know when mom goes somewhere with us I don't need to bring my camera because she takes plenty of pictures, not to mention she is a lot better at it:)

My handsome nephew Cody playing outside!

Emily, Abby, and Cody posing for Grandma ( they are use to it)

Silly Kiddos!

My Beautiful Niece Emily and Abby

Abby posing for Grandma

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