Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Abby and Chase, Baby Update

While I was at an ultrasound yesterday Abby went and spent time with her good buddy Chase Boy. It was his 1st Birthday so Abby brought him a gift and helped Jo make him a birthday cake. Jo gave Abby the beater to lick but she decided Chase boy needed it more! So when I got there we put our party hats on and sang Happy Birthday to Chase and ate some cake. Even Chase got a piece. So below are some pics that Bob and Jo sent to us of the exciting day Abby had and another picture from last Friday. Jo does such a good job at wearing Abby out we had no problem with bedtime last night.

So we got to see the boys again and they are still definitely boys. The nurse asked the doctor at some point if he verified that the sex of both babies is still boys and he said "oh yeah definitely". Good thing because I have started to get rid of all the clothes we have. With the measurements they can get approximate weight and they believe Baby "A" is 1lb 10 oz and Baby "B" is 1lb 9 oz. From the measurements it appears Baby "A" is going to be longer than Baby "B" and they both have big heads! Thank goodness I'm having a c-section! I don't have any ultrasound pics to post, at this point it is getting hard to take pictures and actually tell what you are looking at. And no belly pics right now I will work on that. As of yesterday I am 25 weeks 4 days and everything seems to be going good.

Abby also started swim lessons today and she did awesome for her first time. She even attempted to put her face under water. If you know Abby she can't stand having water in her face. I will have to remember to bring a camera sometime to take pics.
Abby showing off what she bought Chase for his Birthday.

Abby letting chase lick the beater off.

Abby last Friday in the sun room, posing for a pic with Chase

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