Thursday, April 9, 2009

Abby Turns 3

This past Sunday we celebrated Abby's 3rd birthday. She had a blast, it was a little crazy we had 14 kids there ranging in age from 1 to 7! But all that matters is she had fun:) We had it at the Fire Station because I didn't want that many kiddo's in the house:) Also yesterday we went and got her 3 year old pics done at sears. She did awsome and the photos came out great. In one of the pics is her with my pregnant belly. I think I'm 23 weeks pregnant. I keep losing track, it must be my pregnancy mind. I can't seem to remember anything these days.
Even Chase boy showed up for the party! Abby thought that was pretty special
My mom wanted to take some pictures of her in this bag with her ballons. They turned out pretty cute.

Listening while we sing Happy Birthday to her!

Abby with the big bump, like I said I think I am 23 weeks pregnant.

Just a cute fun picture.

What a big girl!

Abby and the big 3!

1 comment:

morgan said...

I am now convinced that Abby is the new Shirley Temple! Miss you guys. Will be thinking of you as baby time rolls around! Lots of love, m