Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our Virginia Family Visits

Nana came and stayed with us for most of the month of July to help me out with Abby before the boys arrived and then Pap came to join us after the boys were born for a week. Poor Pap we just put him to work on fixing our hand rail, installing screen doors, and building the grandkids a sandbox. But most importantly they got to spend time with their grandkids. This week Tim, Kaye, and Dabb are here visiting us. We have had a great time with them and are sad that our time with them is coming to an end. I will post more pics later when I get a chance to download pics. Tuesday Abby will be starting preschool and Cam is headed back to work so I am going to have my hands full with the boys. Abby's preschool is part days so me and the boys will be going to get her at noon. Wish us luck! Here are some pics from our visit with our family.

Enjoying a nice evening outside!
Pap and Papa with their boys, Pap is holding Clayton and Papa is holding Daniel
Posing in Santa's chair at Santa Claus House
Taking pictures while we roasted marshmellows.
Uncle Tim (aka Bubba) taking a nap with Daniel

Tim and Dabb out on the river, enjoying a day of fishing.

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