Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween started for us on October 1st as Abby insisted on decorating our house as soon as she saw the Halloween stuff at the store. On October 16th we had our friends the Borlands and Carringtons over to carve pumpkins with the kids. On the 23rd she went to her friend Maya's house to carve pumpkins. Then on the 25th Abby and I went to a Carnival at Church that the Youth group put on. Then on the 3oth Abby's preschool took the kids trick or treating at different offices on campus (Abby's preschool is located on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus). The campus photographer took a picture of Abby that will be posted on the Cornerstone Newsletter that goes out to the offices on campus. So we think that is pretty neat. I will try to post the web address for the online newsletter so you all can see it. Finally on the 31st she bundled up with her cousins and headed out trick or treating at Grandma and Papa's house. Below are some pics from the last several weeks.
Cal holding Clayton. He doesn't look that much bigger than Clayton and he is 3! Cal is a little small and Clayton is a big boy.
Abby's pumpkin that I carved out for her, her job was digging out the pumpkin guts.

Bobby's pumpking, he picked out the hardest one for his mom to do:)

Here is Tara carving Bobby's pumpkin.

Caroline and Alison with their pumpkins

Abby and Caroline playing dress up.

Abby with our friend Luke and Baby Roslyn at out the church Halloween Carnival.

Abby in her costume.

Abby and her pumpkin that she carved at Maya's house.

My parents 3 youngest grandsons on Halloween. Clayton, Gabriel, and Daniel

Abby, Katie, Gabriel, and Michael all ready to head out trick or treating. I told Dawn no need to pass Gabriel's chicken costume down for the boys, Cam would never let me put them in it. I think he is very cute in it though:)

Abby with another pumpkin we carved.

The wicked witch (she isn't very wicked though) with her flying monkeys

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