Monday, March 2, 2009

19 weeks

I am now at 19 weeks and getting big fast it seems. Some lady at the clinic a few days ago said I looked like I was due soon! I had an appointment last Wednesday and Abby and I got to hear the hearts beat. She asked me if that man was going to take my babies out today, the man she is referring to is my OB. She seems to be excited but I'm sure she will be a little jealous when the day comes seems how she gets 110% of my attention now. Also is a picture of Abby in her new outfit her nana bought her for Valentines. She has been a little under the weather the past couple of days with a horrible virus that is going around but seems to be acting a little more like herself today. Friday she kept telling me that "daddy should stay home and take care of me". She seems to be more and more of a daddies girl everyday which will work nicely come July! I know he likes it but is use to not having her hang on him and wanting him to do everything with her.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Man oh man. I still can't believe it's twins! lol. you look great! you should be proud> i am working on getting in shape to play basketball and soccer soon. It is actually time that is not permitting me to platy. Anyway, when do you find out what they are?!!! any names yet?