Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween started for us on October 1st as Abby insisted on decorating our house as soon as she saw the Halloween stuff at the store. On October 16th we had our friends the Borlands and Carringtons over to carve pumpkins with the kids. On the 23rd she went to her friend Maya's house to carve pumpkins. Then on the 25th Abby and I went to a Carnival at Church that the Youth group put on. Then on the 3oth Abby's preschool took the kids trick or treating at different offices on campus (Abby's preschool is located on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus). The campus photographer took a picture of Abby that will be posted on the Cornerstone Newsletter that goes out to the offices on campus. So we think that is pretty neat. I will try to post the web address for the online newsletter so you all can see it. Finally on the 31st she bundled up with her cousins and headed out trick or treating at Grandma and Papa's house. Below are some pics from the last several weeks.
Cal holding Clayton. He doesn't look that much bigger than Clayton and he is 3! Cal is a little small and Clayton is a big boy.
Abby's pumpkin that I carved out for her, her job was digging out the pumpkin guts.

Bobby's pumpking, he picked out the hardest one for his mom to do:)

Here is Tara carving Bobby's pumpkin.

Caroline and Alison with their pumpkins

Abby and Caroline playing dress up.

Abby with our friend Luke and Baby Roslyn at out the church Halloween Carnival.

Abby in her costume.

Abby and her pumpkin that she carved at Maya's house.

My parents 3 youngest grandsons on Halloween. Clayton, Gabriel, and Daniel

Abby, Katie, Gabriel, and Michael all ready to head out trick or treating. I told Dawn no need to pass Gabriel's chicken costume down for the boys, Cam would never let me put them in it. I think he is very cute in it though:)

Abby with another pumpkin we carved.

The wicked witch (she isn't very wicked though) with her flying monkeys

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our Virginia Family Visits

Nana came and stayed with us for most of the month of July to help me out with Abby before the boys arrived and then Pap came to join us after the boys were born for a week. Poor Pap we just put him to work on fixing our hand rail, installing screen doors, and building the grandkids a sandbox. But most importantly they got to spend time with their grandkids. This week Tim, Kaye, and Dabb are here visiting us. We have had a great time with them and are sad that our time with them is coming to an end. I will post more pics later when I get a chance to download pics. Tuesday Abby will be starting preschool and Cam is headed back to work so I am going to have my hands full with the boys. Abby's preschool is part days so me and the boys will be going to get her at noon. Wish us luck! Here are some pics from our visit with our family.

Enjoying a nice evening outside!
Pap and Papa with their boys, Pap is holding Clayton and Papa is holding Daniel
Posing in Santa's chair at Santa Claus House
Taking pictures while we roasted marshmellows.
Uncle Tim (aka Bubba) taking a nap with Daniel

Tim and Dabb out on the river, enjoying a day of fishing.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Daniel and Clayton Arrival

Sorry this post has taken so long, needless to say we've been a little busy!!! So on July 21st the big day finally arrived! At 11:15 Clayton was born and 11:16 Daniel was pulled out by his feet!!!
Here are some pics for you all to enjoy.

Daniel on the left and Clayton on the right!
Clayton weighing in at 7lbs 15oz and red hair like his sisters!

Daniel weighing in at 5lbs14 oz

Daddy and Nana bringing the boys to the nursery

A Kodak moment!!! They will hate this picture some day!

Monday, July 13, 2009

July update so far

We had a great 4th of July here in Ester. We did what we have been doing for years, watch or be in the Ester Parade and join in the picnic at the Ester Community Park. It was a relaxing day and Abby had a blast hanging out with her little friend Emily. Most of these pics are from July 3rd, we had playgroup at the park and one of the ladies, Anne Jenkins, had a camera and took some pictures of Abby and I. So not much going on here until a week from tomorrow when I will have my c-section and our little boys enter our lives. It is going to be a big change for us but we look forward to it. We will post pics as soon as possible. I have a feeling I won't have time to be on the computer a lot once they arrive! Hope this finds everyone well.

My little Angel and I hanging out at the park.

My big ole belly at 36 weeks

Abby being cute as usual.

Our last 4th of July as a family of three!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

30 more days - 34 weeks

So I have 30 more days until the scheduled C-section! I am pretty uncomfortable but I want them to grow big and strong so I'm not ready for them to arrive yet. We have a lot we need to get done before their arrival. I have pretty much grown out of all my maternity clothes but I refuse to buy any more. I have been wearing a lot of sweat pants and large shirts and a bella band to cover my belly if the pants don't stay up or if my shirt comes up:) So here is a picture of the big ol belly.

Fathers Day 2009

I think Cam really enjoyed his day out fishing with his little red headed cutie today. His friend Reed from work took them out fishing for the day. So not only did Abby get to go fishing with dad she got to hang out with two older girls, which is always exciting to her. When she got home she told me all about the fish they caught. Our friend Theresa went on the day long adventure and took a lot of pictures from what I'm told so when ever I get some copies from her I will post them. Wish I could have joined them but I didn't think it would be such a good idea being out on a boat being 8 months pregnant with twins.

Abby posing for a picture while eating her apple.
Headed out the door for their big day.

Another smiley picture

Thursday, May 21, 2009

61 days and counting

61 days until my scheduled c-section which makes me 30 weeks pregnant today!!! Today has been a great day for me. This is the first time in a long time that I have spent most of the day by myself and just resting. My dad came and got Abby yesterday after work and my mom will be bringing her home some time this afternoon. I seem to be getting tired pretty quick now and trying to keep up with a 3 year old is becoming challenging. So here is a picture my mom took this past Tuesday (29 weeks 5 days)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Silly Abby and Catch up

So I haven't posted in a while so here are several pics of Abby being the silly girl she is and one of me in my "blueberry dress"(Cam and Abby call me blueberry mama because my belly looks so huge in it, maybe because it is:)) I found out at a recent appointment that the boys will be delivered by c-section at 10am on July 21st unless they decide to come earlier. I also found out that I am a little iron deficient so now I am taking yucky iron pills, but everything else was good!

We had an awesome Mothers Day yesterday and I feel so blessed to have the family and friends that I do. We had friends come over for brunch and had the guys cook for us. Right after we got done eating the power went out, but that didn't stop the fun:) Some guy cut down a tree on the power line behind our house. It took GVEA 6 hours to get the power back on. He must have really messed it up because they were out there the whole time and had to bring a heavy equipment up to help repair it. So we got to try our generator out and it was great having so we could keep the refrigerator cold and the pump going so we could flush the potty!

So here are some pics from the past month.

Abby and her best buddies Brooks and Sawyer being silly

Enjoying sunny spring day with her ear puffs on while the Water Wagon guy fills our tank!

Abby at swim lessons, looks like she needs a new bathing suit, she is showing of her mosquito bites:)

Playing dress up with one of the dresses cousin emily gave her.

Firs Four Wheeler ride of the year with dad.

Headed out to the garden to help dad with the new green house

Blueberry Mama! (I think 27 weeks along)

Brooks and Abby having a potty party at the park. Anything to avoid the outhouses.

Abby making a silly face in her new Carhart's that Grandma and Papa bought her.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Abby and Chase, Baby Update

While I was at an ultrasound yesterday Abby went and spent time with her good buddy Chase Boy. It was his 1st Birthday so Abby brought him a gift and helped Jo make him a birthday cake. Jo gave Abby the beater to lick but she decided Chase boy needed it more! So when I got there we put our party hats on and sang Happy Birthday to Chase and ate some cake. Even Chase got a piece. So below are some pics that Bob and Jo sent to us of the exciting day Abby had and another picture from last Friday. Jo does such a good job at wearing Abby out we had no problem with bedtime last night.

So we got to see the boys again and they are still definitely boys. The nurse asked the doctor at some point if he verified that the sex of both babies is still boys and he said "oh yeah definitely". Good thing because I have started to get rid of all the clothes we have. With the measurements they can get approximate weight and they believe Baby "A" is 1lb 10 oz and Baby "B" is 1lb 9 oz. From the measurements it appears Baby "A" is going to be longer than Baby "B" and they both have big heads! Thank goodness I'm having a c-section! I don't have any ultrasound pics to post, at this point it is getting hard to take pictures and actually tell what you are looking at. And no belly pics right now I will work on that. As of yesterday I am 25 weeks 4 days and everything seems to be going good.

Abby also started swim lessons today and she did awesome for her first time. She even attempted to put her face under water. If you know Abby she can't stand having water in her face. I will have to remember to bring a camera sometime to take pics.
Abby showing off what she bought Chase for his Birthday.

Abby letting chase lick the beater off.

Abby last Friday in the sun room, posing for a pic with Chase

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Abby Turns 3

This past Sunday we celebrated Abby's 3rd birthday. She had a blast, it was a little crazy we had 14 kids there ranging in age from 1 to 7! But all that matters is she had fun:) We had it at the Fire Station because I didn't want that many kiddo's in the house:) Also yesterday we went and got her 3 year old pics done at sears. She did awsome and the photos came out great. In one of the pics is her with my pregnant belly. I think I'm 23 weeks pregnant. I keep losing track, it must be my pregnancy mind. I can't seem to remember anything these days.
Even Chase boy showed up for the party! Abby thought that was pretty special
My mom wanted to take some pictures of her in this bag with her ballons. They turned out pretty cute.

Listening while we sing Happy Birthday to her!

Abby with the big bump, like I said I think I am 23 weeks pregnant.

Just a cute fun picture.

What a big girl!

Abby and the big 3!